"It is . . . the utterance of clever people in despair, or hovering upon the brink of that precipice. . . . [T]heir lamentation [is] . . . 'In the midst of this desolation, give me at least one intelligence to converse with.'"
- Ezra Pound, on the poetry of Marianne Moore and Mina Loy, 1918
Lilith manbarks
Lilith went manbarking today. Up at the top of the cemetery, a man waved us
away, wanting to park where we were standing, as I talked to a fellow
walker. (...
5 days ago
1 comment:
What serious woman intellectual or artist would lack empathy for the profoundly blocked desire Pound records here? And it tells something deeply sad about our culture that such rich and perceptively aware conversational sounding-boards are fairly rare for smart women. Their wish for this caring gift is even openly skewered and frustrated. Maybe that's one reason why Virginia Woolf believed she needed a wife.
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