Like maybe we're all writing it? Like how everybody points out the word she almost wrote instead? Like everybody's talking about Cornell boxes? Like miniaturization would save us? Like homophonic procedures cured the security pageant? Like excess for access? Like everyone's unique but me?
Or how you read the sign as "piso mojito" & think you've drunk too much? Or see the sheets of rain in Times Sq. & think of Ridley Scott? And can't stop it? Like it were your poem? This has been going on for years. Like brevity for bit? Or how everyone grows young when the old folks give up & go home?
The addictable play of forms - how a logo imparts its power if you wear it? Like swoop for swoosh? Like your poem on the ticker, the jumbotron, the crawl? Like maybe it is, by someone else? Like parapraxis were the new metonymy? Aw shit I meant parataxis. And?
Lilith manbarks
Lilith went manbarking today. Up at the top of the cemetery, a man waved us
away, wanting to park where we were standing, as I talked to a fellow
walker. (...
5 days ago