JforJames commented on the Dec. 1 post (which see) and directed me to one of his own: "A poem lurks in every list." I agree - tho it takes a certain eye or ear to detect it. The corollary is that a lot of poems nowadays are really lists that won't admit it. We call it "metonymy" instead. Or the "New Sentence." But it's just one damn thing after another.
I like that sort of thing, personally. But when I actually put sequential numbers next to my lines or sentences, people get weird. Like, hey - it's only a list - what's with that. But the items are only loosely related to one another. If I numbered them 1.2.3 or 3.4 like a tractatus, then it would be cool. Or at least numbered them out of sequence, like Gertrude Stein (and millions since then).
But some people dig it. Here is an example of what I mean. Click me.
Blogs are lists, too, of course. And there are many lists running in the background.
The airplane mechanic's father
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The retired airplane mechanic was in a better mood today when Lilith and I
ran into him and his dog. The dog is fuzzy, with an a...
1 week ago