My book, Things Come On, was reviewed in the UK's Stride Magazine. I don't know that I agree that one "would need a doctorate in twentieth century American politics with a specialism [specialism?] in Watergate to really understand the text," but I can see how the allusions might be offputting or irrlevant to readers outside the U.S. Fortunately, the reviewer concludes that "the emotional tragedy of his mother's death born out [sic] through Harrington's subtle mix of genres and language will connect with all readers."
Also, many thanks to Dennis Etzel, Jr., for the kind comments on his blog, Radius.
Yesterday was the last day of classes (seriously). So I hope to be devoting more time to the blog soon. Stay tooned. There are a number of topics upon which I wish to hold forth - I'm saving them up.
Lilith looks for chem-trails (but it's cloudy)
As Lilith led me by (her) nose to the guard shack this morning, S. popped
up from his seat where he often sits out of sight. "Keep your eye on the
11 hours ago