1. Sex saves Soul
2. Sex awakens Soul
3. Beauty punishes Soul
4. Nature saves Soul (twice)
5. It’s about someone falling for someone they’re supposed to
6. Sex disobeys Beauty
7. Sex is a winged serpent
8. Soul is forbidden to look upon Sex - but does so anyway,
of course
9. Sex and Soul are married, for chrissakes!
10. They make love in darkness, not seeing each other.
11. Soul wounds Sex, not vice versa (and recriminations
12. Soul is tormented by jealous sisters
13. Sex is locked up when Beauty whomps Soul
14. Nature assists again, in the form of animal helpers.
15. Beauty is mollified by the Soul’s apotheosis. Sex is
still divine.
16. (In the Roman version, of course, Daddy has to throw the whole mess