Here are some comments from a poet friend who gave me permission to "publish this as [I] desire." Since I have nothing to say, why not! Here 'tis:
"...writing a poem a day in april seems somehow, to me, using time and space for words best left unsaid. maybe too, that is why my 'collected' poems would be somewhat slim. So fewer good and fewer bad poems for the world to ignore.
"Lang po discussions, unless you are academically attached i.e. a phd or something...are to me a dead end and same for flarf which will be the lang po of the 2020's in academia. there is no other 'school' today to kick there...vispo or graffitipo or school of quietudepo or poetrymagpo are equally invisible."
[full disclosure: I have in fact been writing a poem each day this month (some of which have appeared in these e-pages), and I too think it's pretty silly. But a fun game. So let a thousand flowers gustibus! Oh - and I realized that, for the rest of my life, I never will know what it's like not to have a Ph.D., which is kinda scary.]
The airplane mechanic's father
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The retired airplane mechanic was in a better mood today when Lilith and I
ran into him and his dog. The dog is fuzzy, with an a...
1 week ago