Here’s what I mean (from Portable Altamont, Coach House Books):
In This Skin is a series of songs that will explore our ongoing relationship to and notions of fate and mortality. Accompanying the aural elements will be still and video images of stagings and performance pieces that when viewed as a whole will – because of my choice of forms – have the appearance of a melodramatic narrative but, upon closer inspection, will reveal abstraction spreading like an oil slick . . . "
[which says more re: grant applicationese than it does re: Jessica Simpson] Or consider:
"Former Full House heartthrob John Stamos swears by the latest celebrity craze: working in textile sweatshops. ‘I was pretty messed up until I signed on at Allied Fabrics and Export. Silently performing the same motion for twelve hours taught me focus and how to have goals. . . . '"
Or take “The Hollow Men” (“a dramatic reading by the Swedish Chef,” that is):
Thees is zee vey zee vurld inds
Nut veet a bung boot a wheemper
Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!
As far as I know, Brian Joseph Davis is not a card-carrying Flarfista (he’s a Canadian), but some of the stuff he does has more of the pop-satiric edge than a lot of more recent flarfiana (which can be fun, but, truth be told, is verrrry serrrious fun).
The airplane mechanic's father
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The retired airplane mechanic was in a better mood today when Lilith and I
ran into him and his dog. The dog is fuzzy, with an a...
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