If you’ve perused these pages before, you probably know I have “issues” with the notion of Genre (and those who Police its boundaries). So I’m always on the lookout for stuff that ignores it (them). Last SPD catalog was light on such material. This one is not. (Oh and I go in for twisted nature poetry and whacky satirical verse, too.)
Anyway, help me out here. If there are any titles on the following list that you would *definitely* get – or definitely NOT get – please let me know. I mean, this is getting out of hand . . .
Baude, Dawn-Michelle. The Flying House. (Parlor)
Beachy-Quick, Dan. This Nest, Swift Passerine (Tupelo)
Bellamy, Dodie. Barf Manifesto (Ugly Duckling)
Blevins, Richard. Captivity Narratives (Meeting Eyes Bindery)
Boykoff, Jules. Hegemonic Love Potion. (Factory School)
de la Perriere, Donna. True Crime (Talisman House)
Farber, Thomas. Brief Nudity (Manoa Books/El Leon Literary Press)
Hamill, Meg. Trillions & Trillions of Heartbeats (Resonant Books)
Lin, Tan. Heath (Plagiarism/Outsource) (Zasterle)
Mara-Ann, M. Containment Scenario: Dislointer Medtextid Entcation: Horse Medicine (O Books)
Nguyen, Hoa. Hecate Lochia (Hot Whiskey)
Nowak, Mark. Coal Mountain Elementary (Coffee House)
Oliver, Akilah. A Toast in the House of Friends (Coffee House)
Rosenfield, Kim. Re:Evolution (Les Figues)
Scappettone, Jennifer. From Dame Quickly. (Litmus)
Schickling, Jared. Submissions. (BlazeVox)
Sims, Laura. Stranger. (Fence)
Zawacki, Andrew. Petals of Zero Petals of One (Talisman House)
Zolf, Rachel. Masque (Mercury Press).
Lilith looks for chem-trails (but it's cloudy)
As Lilith led me by (her) nose to the guard shack this morning, S. popped
up from his seat where he often sits out of sight. "Keep your eye on the
11 hours ago