- I like lists, esp. lists of stuff and of species
- I am an inductive, rather than deductive, thinker
- Whoever says Moore’s stuff is not musical has a tin ear. I like the sound, shape, pacing, connotations of her words and lines more than the “message.” It’s complex music – which is so much better than the metronome.
- There is something about seeing nature as art and art as nature that appeals to me
- And the ethos of resilience
- Grammatically Correct sentences that leave one off-balance. Parataxis within and between them. Precursor of the “new sentence”??
- Bits of found material - citational - a research-based poetry
- Bits of found material sutured together into the same sentence. (Precursor of flarf??)
- She purposely evaded the either/or, "er ye fer it or agin it," coke/pepsi configuration of US poetic politics (despite Pound's best efforts)
- The rarely unbrilliant Ben Friedlander: "[M]ediation becomes at once more complex and more pervasive: more complex because, as Moore's work shows, one can be aware of mediations while negotiating them with ease; more pervasive, because their introduction into a poem can be coordinated with the sharing of meaning rather than treated as antagonistic to it. . . . Indeed, Moore's most precise and informative descriptions are often those places where the mediation of representational language is highlighted." What he said.
- Part of this phenomenon is due to the way she makes her syntax do Advanced Yoga.
- In fact, the topic of mimesis comes up in a lot of her poems - never unproblematically. We're always aware of looking at language describing looking at a representation. The poem is an object about objects.
- her "collage textures of poetry and discursive slides by which I definitely feel influenced." (Rachel Blau DuPlessis)
- I reserve the right to add to this list at any time.
The airplane mechanic's father
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The retired airplane mechanic was in a better mood today when Lilith and I
ran into him and his dog. The dog is fuzzy, with an a...
1 week ago