Everything that involves more than one person (even if the other is imaginary) is political. Watering your lawn is political. So is eating a cheese pizza (BGH or non-BGH cheese?). But then blogs don't necessarily accomplish the same political ends as, say, calling all of your friends on the the telephone to get them to call Corporation X about abuses by one of their contractors. Or going door-to-door to generate support for a city commission candidate. And poetry? Well, poetry makes a lot of things happen, but not the same things as phone banking or canvassing, in my experience.
Oh - I nearly forgot - HAPPY X-MAN! - I mean, X-Box -
no, seriously, Merry X-Ma$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Lilith looks for chem-trails (but it's cloudy)
As Lilith led me by (her) nose to the guard shack this morning, S. popped
up from his seat where he often sits out of sight. "Keep your eye on the
11 hours ago