So, if we really believed what the scientists say about global warming, it would mean that, inside of twenty years, masses of people in North America will be rendered homeless (due to rising seas and violent storms), be hungry and thirsty much or most of the time, will have lost their jobs, have to scrounge for food, suffer from tropical infectious diseases (and more of the insects that carry them), possibly be part of desperate gangs of armed persons (or their victims), and even suffer from worse hayfever due to increased ragweed pollen, would we continue living our lives as we do? Would we be as passive towards corporate neoliberalism as we are?
Or do we:
1.) Not believe it - i.e., global warming is a hoax, or at least vastly overblown
2.) Don't believe it will happen for many decades or centuries (i.e., it's not my problem)
3.) Believe it, but are unwilling or unable to confront the magnitude of the problem (denial),
4.) Believe someone else is taking care of it or will (contrary to any extant evidence), or
5.) Not know the extent, pace, and irreversibility of the problem?
The airplane mechanic's father
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The retired airplane mechanic was in a better mood today when Lilith and I
ran into him and his dog. The dog is fuzzy, with an a...
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