No, not some bad cyborg movie, but a poetry journal. The third issue branches out to include non-Flarfistas (non-card-carrying, anyway) such as Lyn Hejinian, Dodie Bellamy, Jim McCrary. And a superb longish poem by Robert J. Baumann - a sexy tic-tac poem, in fact.
I esp. like Bill Luoma's piece in same. It starts w/a reflection on William Gibson, but degenerates into a programming protocol - like the back of Susan Wheeler's Source Codes (by far the most interesting part of that book), but with more of a sense of the boredom of actually doing the work of writing code. As if to say, "you think computers are so cool? Well, you don't work in a cubicle . . ."
MariaAna: Whoa - that's a really freaky cover.
Joe: That's the idea.
MariaAna: Well, they cinched it.
Anyway, see the link to LIME TREE at right, to track it down.
The airplane mechanic's father
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The retired airplane mechanic was in a better mood today when Lilith and I
ran into him and his dog. The dog is fuzzy, with an a...
1 week ago