re: “Lazy Man's Load”
lazy -- pleasure -- erotic -- lazy
make a coherent? soul / statement
End w/a story at the beginning --> one that predicts the future (as usual)
- story as argument aimed at closure
- can openness be coherent?
lazy --> insouciant --> servantless (--> pleasure)
Shape - same-ness > “low point” > lowest common denominator
story vs. impulse --> or are they really different?
Then a real story (within a story)
- “I” connects himself w/Ishmaelites wandering
Let the “Let be be finale of seem” be
The outsider/outcast defines location. Who says “be”?
Pleasure as authority --> normative, prescriptive
Facts: (geography &) trains --> of thought --> region
“In-d” = “In-land”
Movement as pleasure (range as opportunity, not thrust)
Crossing town, solve a (future) equation, voice to complete
- articulation vs. actual closure, results (pleasure that’s over)
Wants juxtaposition to be self-evident.
BUT > it’s the connections that make the story
Close in w/story --> an inquiry, not a conclusion
- a lot of vacancy in a vacant lot
- would be remiss to leave it at that?
Pleasure > desire > implies absence of object
Mixed feelings > geography shapes thoughts, language, as well as vice versa
- what’s a town w/o its monster?
- range requires people who range upon it
Meanings achieved avoid others, cancel others
The airplane mechanic's father
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The retired airplane mechanic was in a better mood today when Lilith and I
ran into him and his dog. The dog is fuzzy, with an a...
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