if this time next it sounds
a voice beyond the tomb,
Cassandra: "If only I -
It - hadn't been right" -
permaculture and guns:
The voice behind the tune.
Thank you.
the worst are full of passion-
less entropy the best
lack all cojones
So this is what it is like
to be poor, we will hear
us say - "us"? . . . Humnph -
quote your own self.
I will ascend this ex
crement of some sky, this
this. It butters
no parsnips. It batters
my heart and deep
fries it, sho.
Fact it: Time
to make your con-
cession speech.
Time to time
your each &
ev'ry act.
Lilith looks for chem-trails (but it's cloudy)
As Lilith led me by (her) nose to the guard shack this morning, S. popped
up from his seat where he often sits out of sight. "Keep your eye on the
12 hours ago