Or, another way to think about it:
I think at some level I still take for granted the notion that one's writing is an expression of one's personality. Hence, I've been writing jokey, somewhat cynical/ironical/satirical lyrical poems (see below). But it occurs to me that those things are also distancing devices. So, either (a.) these poems in fact hide my True Self, or (b.) my True Personality is really a distancing device. Or "Personality" is a distancing device. Or something.
What the hell! - let's take a vote! Are you for (a.) or (b.)?
I heard an interview the other day with a woman who had been obsessively checking election web sites for the last year. "What will you do when it's over?" the interviewer asked. Answer: "Well, I guess I'll go back to my reality TV shows."
The death of the cemetery walker
S lets me in on all the conspiracy theories, not because they're good
stories, but because he believes in them. We haven't talked much since the
2 days ago
Perhaps it's less like Goldilocks and more like quantam mechanics...flux and flux and reflux. Or something.
Me, I'm (c).
What is the sound of one "c" lapping?
Flux, reflux, fluxus - time to take my purple pill.
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